What you feel and what you think is not the same. You may FEEL that what a person is saying is wrong but you may THINK that if you tell him what you FEEL, you may hurt his feelings. Feelings are the most unaltered form of human expression while thinking is altered by the rules that culture has imposed on us. So we clot our feeling with defensiveness and convert it into thinking and believe that what we think is what we feel. But we need to remember that even our own self will not appreciate us if we do not express our point of view. So its better if we communicate our feelings and views to the other person because only then can they be resolved and only then can we address issues and can come closer to ourselves.
Tue May 06, 06:16:00 AM GMT+5:30
Now I'm confused... All these things about thinking and feeling... Why can't I say that I thought the person was saying a wrong thing? Isn't it an opinion, and aren't opinions related to thinking?
That's much philosophy!
Camilla - Brazil
Tue May 06, 05:54:00 PM GMT+5:30
it takes great will power to express what you feel and great courage to imply what you think
Tue May 06, 05:54:00 PM GMT+5:30
this post has left me really confused !
I dont think I can really differentaiate feeling and thinking except that feeling is related to the heart(not the literal heart, but the one poets write about !) and thinking is pretty much the brain's domain !
Tue May 06, 06:32:00 PM GMT+5:30
You got it right, lonelyreddevil... Thats exactly what i wish to say... .
Wed May 07, 02:12:00 PM GMT+5:30
Think Reason, Feel Reasonably, check every emotion of yours on the basis of shear REASON.
Never manipulate or flatter.
If something is wrong, state it is wrong.
Truth is right.
@Camilla You should say that the person was wrong, if you can REASON out what wrong he was at.
Sat May 10, 08:05:00 PM GMT+5:30
simply said...feelings originate from heart n thinking from head..
Thu Jul 03, 11:57:00 PM GMT+5:30
True! Very True. Your mind seems to be working in an excellent state!
Thu Jul 10, 10:19:00 AM GMT+5:30
so original and yet so familiar.
u may not believe it but i have always sought this sort of conclusion! u have made me feel better! :)