Have you ever wondered what role do we play in this world??

What profession do you think resembles our journey through life the most??

I found out the answer to mine yesterday night while on a walk at night with my parents. I dont know why it struck me at that moment but it sure did strike well.

We are nothing but the runners in a relay race in which we pick up something from the state that it is left to us and try our best to improve upon it so that others will find it in a better state than what was left to us.

Being an engineer, i can say that what engineers do is similar to what runners do in a relay race. They pick up an existing technology to work on and improve it to the best they can and leave it onto the forthcoming generations to make further improvements. Technology is the baton that engineers pass to each other.

And i guess, this is the role that all of us play in each of our professions and in our lives also.

7 people cared to talk about this.

  1. Anonymous  

    It might be said as true on a emotional illusive plane alone.
    But reality is much more harsh than that.

    What a man gets through the past knowledge is nothing but the raw material in form of knowledge. Man being a rational faculty need to use his mind and create his own original approach for living and earning his right to live with dignity and self-respect. By using his own rational faculty and improving or making up the raw materials in better shape, or enhancing the knowledge/technology to further heights, man achioeves the self-satisfaction and worth living.
    It is this basic instinct of human which makes him keep evolving and producing knowledge and technology further and further more.

    Yet, all are not first handers, some/most of the human keep living on repeating the stuff developed/originated/created by others, they adds nothing value to the knowledge base and hence ways of earning. They remain dependent on others, the first handers who invents, discovers, achieves. and By copying or following them, they earn their breads.

    such life of second handers is not very wrong, but it is surely not very satisfying. And obviously if those first handers if wont produce original/ new ways, those second handers will also won't be able to keep making their livings.

    This race is basic means of humanity! We evolved this much

  2. Anonymous  

    So true. I once wrote a similar post.


    The Lover


  3. Anonymous  

    Hi ,

    I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be wow.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘Wisdom From The Wise...’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

    BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run www.rambhai.com where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!

    This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


  4. ArUn raFi  

    the race is always on and i guess we keep on evolving after every lap..our goals change and aims change..they get modified..
    it wud however b intrestin to know as to how seriously u take ur goal to be..was it just a sweep of cold realisation during a walk or would u do evrything in future keeping in mind the end aim tht u have to achieve..
    as i have a tendency to overlook my goals sometimes and completely forget them..i still dont think i have identified a goal..tht is worth runnin fr..yes,thr myt be some objectives but they r ol temporary..

  5. Rinzu  

    we gotta run to exist...times change and so do the situations...

    a nice post written after a lotta analysis...self analysis and analysis of the world...

  6. Unknown  


    i read it long ago.

    and I was the first commenter on this post.

  7. Chintan Patel  

    Yaa, and you commented as much as an article... :P

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